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Food For Life Diabetes Initiative
The road to diabetes does not have to be a one-way street. There is reason for hope! People who eat plant-based meals are less likely to ever develop diabetes, and for those who have diabetes, plant-based meals can help to improve blood sugar levels and prevent complications. These meals are affordable and can be quite delicious and satisfying. A low, fat, plant-based approach offers a new tool that many have found to be very useful. Review the latest science behind this approach, consider some simple ideas for getting started, and explore useful resources.
Each class offers a cooking demonstration and provides samples of delicious, health-promoting meals, along with easy and affordable recipes.
Topics Include:
How Foods Fight Diabetes
The Power of Your Plate and Grocery Cart
​Diabetes Care from Head to Toe
Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
Designing a Diet for Maximum Weight Control
Using the Glycemic Index
Keeping a Healthy Heart
Diabetes Care from Head to Toe
Making It Work For You​
This material can be presented as a four-session or eight session course, or a single session introduction.
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